بسم الله الرحمان الريم

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
~May these personal reminders be of sincere beenfit to you and reach you in the best of unwavering emaan, exemplary taqwa and polished health always, ameen.~

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Sweetest Realisation

A dear companion of mine, sent me one of the most beautiful messages I've recieved in a very long time, mashaAllah. A week after returning to Saudi, I received this in my text message inbox:
"One of the Salaf said:
"The people of this world are deprived. They left this world without tatsing the sweetest thing in it!" It was asked of him: "And what is that?"
He said "love of Allah, knowing Him and remembering Him."
So love knowledge and constant remembrance of Allah; lean to Him (Swt); feel tranquil with Him; single Him out for love, fear, hope, dependence and attention; such that He (Swt) Alone, is the main preoccupation of your heart and goals; such that He (Swt) is your paradise and delight of this world - which none other can compare to - and such that He (Swt) remains the coolness of your eyes, love of your heart and life of your soul... for
true life is for those, who know Him."
Now that's what I call a beautiful reminder, mashaAllah ;)


halima said...

mashaAllah. i love this messege of reminder so much.thank you for sharing it. may Allah bless you for all your strivings,ammen Ya Rabb, salaam aleikom wa rahmatullah wa barkaat

Anonymous said...

barakallahu fiik,i really benefited from your blog.please whenever u paste any new blog how can i get an alert.

Umm Thameenah bint Luqman said...


Wa 'alaykum salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh,

Dear sister Halima, wa barakAllahu feeki for visiting my blog, and for leaving me comments.
Ameen to your du'as. May Allah (Swt) place goodness in all that you do, ameen.

Love & du'as
Umm T -x-

Umm Thameenah bint Luqman said...


Wa 'alaykum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,

JazakAllah khair for reading my posts - may the reminders be of true benefit to you, ameen.

To receive alerts everytime I update my blog; you can click onto the tab at the top of the page titled 'follow'. Once you add your details this should enable you to receive my blog updates.

Wa baraakAllahu feek.

Wassalaamu 'alaykum,
Umm T