When Allah (Swt) wishes good for His servant,
He will test them with the very things they hold dear. . .
And suddenly it all begins to make sense. . . Do I hold my health dear to me? Well, to be honest I've never really thought about it until I started being tested with it. . . So maybe that's it! My lack of appreciation, gratitude and love for the health Allah (Swt) bestowed upon me is the cause of it being taken away. . . Allah Knows Best. Whatever the situation may be, I won't let the shaytaan trick me into feeling pity for myself, no! And neither will I allow him to make me question my Lord (Swt)'s Decree, absolutely not! For I know that Allah (Swt) ONLY tests those that He (Swt) Loves, thus how can I feel anything but pleasure and delight at suuch a thought. My love for Allah (Swt) is more than words or even actions could possibly portray - this I know is known only to my Lord Alone. So maybe, just maybe, this is my Lord's Way of telling me that He (The Creator of The Heavens and earth) Loves me too . . . Wishful thinking? No . . . merely tawakkul - trust. Ameen.