“The planning of The Almighty (Allaah) is better for you than your own planning, and it could be that He deprives you from what you ask to test your patience. So let Him see from you a determined patience and you will soon see from Him what will give you joy…”
(I received this very beautiful message yesterday, but do not know who sent it. May Allah reward the sister greatly, ameen).
As our fortunate sisters and brothers accept the greatest of all invitations to visit the House of their Lord(Swt), let us too accept the gift of Allah (Swt) by performing good deeds for His Sake Alone. So, as we enjoy the last of the most sacred 'days' before the end of the 1431 Hijri calendar, allow me to add one more 'liitle' act of 'ibaadah to your blessed scales inshaAllah. ***Think ahead to Tues morning, inshaAllah. You’ve completed the ‘Eid salaah, listened to the beneficial khutbah and are about to walk out of the masjid when… a sister, you’ve never seen before, approaches you, and with a beautiful smile she shakes your hand and gives you something… a gift on the blessed day of ‘Eid*** A few nights ago, as a dearly beloved companion of mine travelled from Riyadh to Jeddah on her way to celebrate ‘Eid with her family in London, she sent me a message – she had just thought of an excellent idea and wanted to share the blessings, ماشاالله . She thought it would be a good idea to purchase several copies of the “Fortress of a Muslim” book to give out tomorrow morning (Tuesday 16th Nov) after the ‘Eid salaah as spontaneous ‘Eid gifts.
سبحان الله, what a beautiful and fantastic act of ‘ibaadah!
So, just as she shared this gift with me, I too have shared it with you… (For more ideas of 'liitle' 'Eid presents to gift fellow Muslims with on the day of 'Eid, visit Darussalam bookshop situated in Central Masjid -Regents park: (tel) 020 7725 2246 or Walthamstow branch - (tel) 020 8520-2666.) Have a great ‘Eid… تقبل الله من و منكم – May Allah accept it from you and us, ameen.
والسلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته