Yesterday morning, a little after salatul Fajr I proceeded with my weekend routine; reading and responding to emails and messages. All praise truly belongs to Allah (Swt), for He (Swt) was fully Aware, of the gift that was about to be bestowed upon me; a powerful reminder for the start of (what I pray will be) a blessed new Islamic year: Muharram, 1429.
A dear sister had sent me a video clip of a footage retrieved from a traffic light camera... Who could possibly have imagined that a man merely crossing the road would, in a split second, lose his life? Those that have seen the footage, will know exactly what I'm talking about: The road appears to be clear, for the light has just turned red. However, a driver that decides to continue going, causes an accident that every driver dreads and every pedestrian fears. SubhaanAllahi wa bihamdih, subhaanAllahil-Adheem. By Allah (Swt), I couldn't have asked for a more powerful reminder . . .
How ironic? It has almost been a year, just a little under, that my Lord (Swt) blessed me with yet another powerful reminder. I use to sit in the rare company of two companions; two dear companions, with whom, I would remind and be reminded of the purpose of our existence and the reality of our world, with our conversations often streaming to what our Prophet (saw) described as: "the destroyer of desires" - the remembrance of death. And as I sit reminiscing the beautiful and profound experiences, the three desperate companions yearning for the pleasure of their Lord shared with one another, I can't help but feel a sincere lump in my throat. Truly the distance of time and the absence of things once rendered dear, can either lose its significance or be strengthened even more. Alhamdulillah, for I've only come to experience the latter.
So, I dedicate this reminder to those of you that have been blessed enough to experience the true beauty of companionship for the sake of Allah (Swt); those of you that are awaiting such companionship; but especially, to the dear and beloved Companions Fillah with whom I experienced one of my most profound reminders to date. . .
"With tears in our eyes we passed by the graves of the dear Muslimuun, Mu'minuun and Muhsinuun, reminding ourselves that we too would one day return to our Beloved (Swt). Side-by-side we walked, exchanging unspoken words of truth and silent promises, that will never be forgotten".
© Umm Thameenah Feb 2007
[An extract from Umm Thameenah's work in progress: "A road less travelled".]
Prior to the start of Muharram, I thought of how best I am going to start this year. That’s true…then, I thought again…new year joys…yea, but best I should think how best I lived today…because tomorrow is uncertain…and each night sleep is a temporal death…and when our drowsy eyes catches the glimpse of the dawn, we should be thankful to Allah (SWT) for renewing our lives.
To our mortal eyes, it’s harsh, frightening reality when death is witnessed. Just in seconds, life translates itself into death. Everything goes mum, and static. In lillahi wa inna ilaihi ra’aji’oon.
Stark realities can be lessons to us, but to keep ourselves on-the-go dynamic, joyous, yet humble, then it’s best to be engrossed with the remembrance of Allah (SWT)…indeed, dhikr enlivens our souls, refreshes our minds and our hearts pulsates with good sensations.
…So you are compiling ‘A Road Less Travelled’ …my very best wishes!!!
Br. Abdul Jawad
Yes…the remembrance of death mellows our bosoms, and we yearn for righteous deeds.
Allah (SWT) says:
وَاعْبُدْ رَبَّكَ حَتَّى يَأْتِيَكَ الْيَقِينُ
And worship your Lord until the certainty comes to you (Holy Qur’an: Chapter 15; v. 99).
Therefore, what “Yaqin” means here is death. To Allah (SWT) be praise and thanks. Praise be to Allah (SWT) for His guidance. It is to Him that we turn for help and it is in Him that we put our trust. He is the One Whom we ask to help us to reach the best of circumstances, for He is the Most Beneficent and Merciful.
Yes…the remembrance of death mellows our bosoms, and we yearn for righteous deeds.
Allah (SWT) says:
وَاعْبُدْ رَبَّكَ حَتَّى يَأْتِيَكَ الْيَقِينُ
And worship your Lord until the certainty comes to you (Holy Qur’an: Chapter 15; v. 99).
Therefore, what “Yaqin” means here is death. To Allah (SWT) be praise and thanks. Praise be to Allah (SWT) for His guidance. It is to Him that we turn for help and it is in Him that we put our trust. He is the One Whom we ask to help us to reach the best of circumstances, for He is the Most Beneficent and Merciful.
Br. Abdul Jawad
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