How many times have we experienced a situation and been quite unsure as to what course of action to take? Living every single day of our lives, performing every single action and experiencing every situation, requires careful thought and deep-rooted wisdom. It has often been the case, after plunging into a situation I viewed as 'minor', that the consequences resulted in something I could NEVER have possibly fathomed. Alhamdulillah. Thus, I stand by my experiences: there is no such thing as 'a meaningless situation' or 'an insignificant occurrence' . This our Lord informs us of, for there is great wisdom in all that is granted, great beautiful wisdom only known to Allah, The Most High.
In hindsight one may think, 'alhamdulillah, I now know why such and such took place' - but in actual fact - we most certainly do not. For wisdom, true incomparable wisdom belongs solely to our Beloved, Al-Hakeem - The Most Wise. We, dear readers, are only shown and only know what it is that Allah (Swt) allows.
It is not for us to try to solve the mysteries of our lives or our situations, for there may be times when we will stop and seriously ponder over matters and yet as much as we reflect, ponder and question, we may never know the real reason(s) why Allah (Swt) tested us in such a way. Does that mean that the situation is not one of goodness? No, rather, our train of thought, understanding and ability to truly accept that 'everything happens for a reason' needs to be deep-rooted in our hearts. For the actual 'reason' is the goodness - unknown to us, but always known to Allah (Swt). You see, the all too familiar 'every cloud has a silver lining' is our Lord's unfailing Promise:
"For indeed, after every hardship comes ease. Indeed, after every hardship comes ease."
[Al-Inshirah (94): 5-6]
Thus, true belief, during times of great difficulty, is manifested through having patience; reliance and unwavering trust in The One Who - through His Magnificent Knowledge and Wisdom - enabled such situations to occur in the first place. So dear readers, take pleasure: great pleasure; be filled with peace and never forget to smile... for though you may not realise it ... you have every reason to.
JazakAllahkhair sis Umm Tahmeenah,
This post really made me think about events in life where i've looked back & wondered at the Wisdom of Allah (SubbhanaWaTaala).
Even in the cases where i've realised (some of) the hikmah, you are correct that it is only because HE has allowed it & of it.
True wisdom is beyond our relm & capacity of understanding.
Ameen. Jazaakillah khair my dear sis for sharing your thoughts...
Allah (Swt) Blessed me with an unexpected test recently which made me truly ponder His Magnificence and Wisdom... alhamd, a truly humbling experience.
Fi-amaanillah ukhti,
I found your blog via a link at Sisters Magazine.
Jazakallah khair.
In translations of the Qur'an there is always imperfection, and I rarely comment on the variations. In the case of verses 5-6 of Surah 94 Al Inshirah, I wish to mention the simple word "with". Will you please look into this? I have always found it translated as "with every hardship. . ." (rather than "after every hardship") which is not a minor thing, as it brings a depth of meaning to ponder.
Wa 'alaykum salaam wrwb,
Dear reader,
JazakAllah khair for taking the time to inform me about this, may Allah (subhaanahu wa ta'ala) bless your niyyah, ameen. Alhamdulillah, I've been back to check and you're right most of the English translations have 'ma'al 'usri' - to mean 'with every hardship'. However, as originally written in this post,some tranlsations include it to mean: 'after every hardsship. I am not yet versed in the Arabic language, but will definately consult those who are to ensure that the closest meaning (as much as possible) is used, insha'Allah.
Dear reader, if you are an Arabic speaker (or know anyone who is), please let me know, as this would be much appreciated.
May Allah bless you for your time, ameen.
Was-salaamu 'alaykum wrwb
Umm Thameenah
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