بسم الله الرحمان الريم

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
~May these personal reminders be of sincere beenfit to you and reach you in the best of unwavering emaan, exemplary taqwa and polished health always, ameen.~

Friday, February 06, 2009

Here and Now...

When I first arrived in Saudi Arabia, the 'culture shock' (that many took the liberty of kindly informing me about) was something I quickly adjusted to -alhamdulillah. Having resided here for three and a half months now, I can honestly say, I've only just begun to really appreciate the significant difference between my previous home and my present one, alhamdulillah.
The most difficult experience I've had to deal with since moving abroad, has been the absence of family members and, that of dear companions. It's not easy, no one ever said it would be, however with the grace and mercy of my Beloved (Subhaanahu wa ta'ala) it will become easier, insha'Allah. I've always considered myself to be someone that just simply 'gets on with it', despite where I am and what I'm having to deal with. And though I still somewhat consider this to be the case, I must admit: new environments; new people; new situations and everything that comes along with it, beckons a new discovery - the latest true self.
It might sound ironic but it's very easy to assume we know who we are. If you were to ponder this and truly assess the 'true you' - known only to Allah (Suhaanahu wa ta'ala) - the tested you, what would you fiind? For me, having to adjust to a new environment and 'find myself' - yet again - drew me to some home truths, enabling me to comprehend I was merely travelling along discovering small 'sheltered glimpses' of whom and what Allah had trained me to be.
A couple of weeks ago, during my visit to London, I met up with a couple of companions, an opportunity to 'catch - up' and enjoy one another's company once again, alhamdulillah. Sitting amongst them in their beautiful company was, and has always been, a gift from Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta'ala). If I could, I would have stayed with them the whole night through. . .
Yes, my heart still longs for my beloved family; dear friends and even London itself - for the very place in which my Lord chose for me to be 'directed', 'guided' and where my affairs were beautifully facilitated, will always have its unique place in my heart.
Here and now, this is me; my life; my world; my discoveries... until this temporary abode directs me to my final one, insha'Allah.


Safiyyah said...

As Salaamu Alaikum Dear Sister:

May Allah (swt) permit you to continue to reveal your layers, one at a time :)

Don't forget that we have a few Saudi sisters in the IWA.

Javeria Asmath said...

Interesting Blog...keep it up!!!

Umm Khawla said...

Ah.. brings back the nostalgia.

Lovely blog btw sis.